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Our Club


The Central Pennsylvania Swing Dance Club (CPSDC) was formed to encourage participation in a highly energetic, unique, and fun style of dancing. The club currently hosts dances at The Green Door Dance Venue in Carlisle on Tuesdays and Saturdays. We also frequently meet for dancing during the week at other locations.  CPSDC has been around since the early 1990's when traditional swing dance saw a resurgence in the United States. 

Our Club
Our Venue
Our Venue 


Opened in the summer of 2004 The Green Door Dance Venue is the home of

Central Pennsylvania Swing Dance Club. Complete with mirrors, mood lighting,

a mural, and a wall showcasing some of the best swing dancers and musicians of all time, The Green Door provides a great atmosphere to dance in. The best in swing music is spun from the DJ booth, and the lounge area provides a great place to relax and chat with friends between dances. You can bring your own food and drink, or buy water and soda at the dance.


Regular dances are held at The Green Door Saturday night. All ages attend and no partner is required. A beginner's lesson is held the hour before each dance and is included in our $8/6 cover charge.

The Green Door Logo.png
Safe Space


CPSDC is dedicated to fostering a safe and comfortable social and dance experience for everyone. This includes encouraging conscientious connection with dance partners, careful floor craft, and keeping our spaces harassment-free. All attendees, volunteers, and staff at our events are required to comply with our Code of Conduct. Everyone has the right to feel respected and safe. We expect cooperation from everyone to help ensure a great experience for everybody.


Unofficially, there are some things that YOU can do to keep our spaces safe and comfy:

  1. Take responsibility for your own behavior. If someone indicates (verbally or non-verbally) that you’re making them uncomfortable please examine your behavior, apologize to that person, and work to change.

  2. Take the time to educate yourself about words and behaviors that can be harmful. Avoid these. If you’re unsure about something, it’s wisest to avoid saying/or doing it.

  3. Consider what kind of environment is likely to be positive and fun for everyone – and help us to create it by keeping our spaces safe.

Safe Space



Teaching Tuesday 7-10


Social Dance: 8:30-11:00pm




14 E North St

Carlisle, PA 17013

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